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Strike Information

Strike Information

The following talking points are being provided so that in the event of a strike, you will have information that is designed to assist you in talking to your employees who may have general questions about the strike. When a specific strike is scheduled, important information will be prominently posted about the event. If you should have any questions at any time, please contact Employee and Labor Relations.

Talking Points
  • Already-Scheduled Vacation and Compensatory Time Off

    In general, it is better to allow already scheduled time off to occur as originally agreed. However, if your operational needs will be seriously disrupted, you may discuss the possibility of rescheduling this time off with the employee. The request to cancel or reschedule vacation time should be expressed evenly throughout your department.

  • Crossing Picket Lines

    Informational Picketing is lawful as long as it is peaceful, does not interfere with the normal course of business, and does not prevent other employees from coming to work. Non-participating employees should avoid confrontations. This includes not responding to comments or engaging in any exchanges which may inflame the situation.

  • Holding Classes

    Classes will be held as usual. Instructors cannot delay change or revise their assigned responsibilities in order to participate in demonstrations or strikes. This will be consistently and fairly enforced across all schools and universities.

  • Inquiries/Questions

    All media inquiries should be direct to University Communications.

    For information about collective bargaining, please contact Employee and Labor Relations.

  • New Requests for Vacation or Compensatory Time Off

    If you are concerned or unaware of coverage within your department, it is acceptable to place new requests on hold.

  • Responding to Questions About a Strike

    As a manager or supervisor, you can provide employees with the strike information that has been prepared by the Employee and Labor Relations office. Frequently, during the negotiations process, Employee and Labor Relations will provide communications campus-wide from the Office of the President. The University believes in transparent communication and provides updates as often as possible, however, the collective bargaining process is relatively long, sometimes with little movement.

    If you are asked a question that you cannot answer, please refer the employee to Employee and Labor Relations.

  • Right to Work

    Non-striking employees should be informed of laws that protect the right of all employees to cross a picket line to come to work.

  • Sick Leave

    During a strike, sick leave will not be paid unless the employee provides a doctor's note. Prior to a strike, Employee and Labor Relations will provide information on communicating this to your employees.

  • University's Position on Collective Bargaining

    The University believes that it is important that all members of the UC community understand what the key issues are during a contract negotiation. The University is committed to good faith negotiations, fair contracts, compliance with the collective bargaining process, and strives to recognize and reward employees