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Access to Employees by Union

ELR- Access to Employees

There are regulations that govern the use of university facilities and access to university employees by employee organizations and their representatives. In these regulations, the term representative is used to define any person acting in the interest of or on behalf of an employee organization, including both University and Non-University personnel unless otherwise specifically excepted. The term "employee organization business" is used to define all legal activities of an employee organization including, but not limited to, meetings, dues collection, soliciting, distributing and campaigning.

These regulations do not apply to employee organizations or their representatives when they are acting as representatives pursuant to Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM), Policy 70 or applicable grievance procedures in MOU's, Section 140 of the Academic Personnel Manual, and Standing Order of the Regents of the University of California Section 103.2. In such cases, the above policy or MOU provisions control the use of facilities and access to employees.

Use of Facilities

General classrooms and meeting rooms, when not in use for University purposes such as teaching, learning, research, or meetings, may be scheduled by an employee organization by the filing of a written request with the Highlander Union Building (HUB).

Bulletin Boards
  • Employee organizations and their representatives may reasonably use bulletin boards which have been designated for employee organization use.
  • A list of general purpose bulletin boards designated for employee organization use is available, upon request, from the Student Life Office.
  • The use of bulletin boards, which are not general purpose bulletin boards, by employee organizations and their representatives is prohibited at all times.
  • In addition, no literature or other materials may be affixed at any time to facilities such as, but not limited to, walls, ceilings, floors, light fixtures, doors, elevators and stairways.
  • United States mail which is received by the University bearing an employee name and an accurate address, will be distributed to the employee in the normal manner.
  • Employee organizations and their representatives are strictly prohibited from the use of the campus mail system.
  • In locations where employee mail boxes exist, employee organizations and their representatives may reasonably use such boxes provided the boxes are not located in a confidential and/or restricted work area.
University Facilities
  • Employee organizations and their representatives are prohibited from using University facilities and equipment such as, but not limited to, automobiles, computers, projectors, telephones, fax machines, office supplies, typewriters and photocopying/reproduction equipment.
  • UCR employees may use University email for employee organization business only during the employee’s non-work time.
  • Employee organizations and their representatives, when conducting employee organization business on the campus, must be reasonably able to identify themselves when requested to do so by supervisors or campus police.
Access to Employees - Where and When
  1. Employee organizations and their representatives are reasonably permitted to conduct employee organization business in non-work areas during the employee's non-work time. For the purpose of these regulations only, rest periods are not considered work time.
  2. Employee organizations and their representatives are strictly prohibited from conducting employee organization business during an employee's work time.
  3. Employee organizations and their representatives are permitted in employee work areas only when:
    • employees are not on their work time; and
    • the conducting of employee organization business is not disruptive to other employees who are on their work time; and
    • the work area is appropriate for such business. Work areas deemed to be inappropriate and thus prohibited from use for such business, include, but are not limited to the following areas:
      • laboratories;
      • academic areas while instruction, learning, counseling or research are in progress;
      • research areas when the health, safety, or security of individuals or the research could be adversely affected; and
      • private residential areas of students.
  4. Employee organizations and their representatives may be excluded from an otherwise appropriate work area if the supervisor makes available a facility which is in reasonable proximity to the work area.
  5. Access to confidential and/or secured work areas, such as, but not limited to, student record areas, cashier's office, radiation areas, computer operations, etc. is limited solely to employees who are assigned to such areas or others who have specific authorization to be in such areas.
  6. Employees are prohibited from participating in and conducting employee organization business during their work time.
  7. Under no circumstances, may these regulations be interpreted or applied so as to impede, disrupt, or interfere with the normal operations of the Campus.
  8. The University reserves the continued right to add to, delete from, or modify the above regulations made pursuant to Higher Education Employee Relations Act (HEERA)  Sections 3568 and 3581.7.